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Some of you already know this, others don't. But I had the pleasure to live my first experience in an art gallery at the Opera Lounge (solo in Barcelona) at the end of April, more precisely from the 25th to the 28th. Before It all started on Instagram when @TheArtTheyGive contacted me with this unexpected opportunity. Just to give you an idea, @TheArtTheyGive is a brand new project that aims to showcase artists of all kinds and from all walks of life through exhibitions, events and live performances,

Photo credit: @ Swelly On the occasion of a Brunch organized by the associations "A l'Ombre d'un cocotier" and "La Wif", I performed for the first time for a drawing initiation workshop. Back on the event. Organizing such an event requires a lot of energy and personal investment. First of all, I had to find a theme. A theme that would speak to everyone. Recurring in the majority of my drawings, I chose to approach the representation of the Woman. "Draw the Ideal Woman", a subject that seemed simple and yet. My goal was to transmit the basics of paper drawing to the interested parties while teaching them to let themselves be guided by their emotions, their sensations. It is not easy to give consistency, however small, to the abstract (here, thought). But it is interesting to try. It is a way to approach Art in a personal way.

Many of you have asked me about it. Today, I'm going to talk to people who are curious to learn digital painting. With a little practice and diligence, digital painting will have no secrets for you. No, I'm exaggerating. I'm still learning a little more every day. I want to warn you, this is not a "Tuto", there are already plenty on Youtube. My goal is to see with you some fundamental points following my personal experience. What are the things to know? How and where to start? To get there, let's start with the basics! To excel in the field, you need to know what you are talking about, where you are going. Let's start with a little reminder of what digital painting is. "YOU SAID DIGITAL PAINTING. WHAT"? According to Wikipedia, "Digital painting, is a form of digital art that emerged in the 1990s in which traditional painting techniques, such as watercolor, oils, impasto, are applied using digital tools through a computer, graphics tablet, pen and software" Ok

On the occasion of the launch of the ephemeral store "Nil de Paris", the team of France-Antilles asked me some questions about my art. Discover my first interview by clicking on the logo below.
